Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cal's Crew Reunion 2014

We had a fun winter reunion with our entire family last week.  Sarah is approaching the end of her maternity leave and wanted to visit Reno, and when everyone heard that the Bordelons would be here, they all made plans to join the party.  It was so fun to have everyone here and I enjoyed playing with the grandkids so much that I didn't remember to get my camera out very often.  But here are a few random pics from the week. 

We're hoping everyone gets Reno eNVy and wants to move here.

We are snow poor this year, but that didn't stop us from having a fun ski day.  These are pics from inside the lodge because we took turns watching babies and skiing. 
 Rosie and Clare looking cool
Alice sleeping in a bag of clothes

Zach looking like a boy who had a great ski day

After skiing the hot tub got a workout

We had an afternoon at the archery range

But Austin didn't think that was so fun

Alice and Garrett were happy with a fist to chew on, but not at all picky about who it belonged to

We spent a lot of time just visiting around the table

And dressing up once in a while

And even playing in the park

And when we got a bonus day because of canceled flights we rode the ferris wheel (at least Toby, Sarah and Clare did)

What a great family we have


  1. It was a fantastic week! Thanks for hosting such a large crew.

  2. An exceptional week! Thanks Mom! That's a great shot of Clare in her dress.

  3. Good job hosting such a large cadre, Mom. And good job with the quick blogging.
