Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Alexandria April1, 2012

We got to spend a long weekend with Sarah and Toby and Clare this weekend.  Calvin brought the camera and we got literally hundreds of pictures.  Much as it pains me not to post all of them, I will post a limited selection.

Clare had just been to the doctor on Friday and gotten a shot.  This is what she looks like when she is cranky.

Clare is getting more and more mobile. Juice wisely exits the danger zone.

Saturday we went to look at the cherry blossoms and a kite festival on the mall, but we didn't take the camera, so here are a few more pictures of Clare looking adorable.

She has the prettiest sing song voice that sounds like a whip poor will.  She is also acquiring new teeth.  She likes to grind the top and bottom teeth, but they don't line up exactly so she has to make funny faces to do it.

Sunday we went to the National Arboretum to the azaleas in bloom.

Prettier than the flowers

The Bordelon family

We haven't seen sunshine in a while

Those eyebrows are a strong genetic trait.

I always assume Sarah is showing disgust for her Easter bonnet here.

The circle of life.  I'm so glad we get the chance to know our wonderful grandchildren.


  1. Great blogging, Mom! Dad looks so baby-faced in the last picture!

  2. Haha - nice hat Dad. Jay has noted that he still wears his hat slightly askew. Love the post Mom.
