Friday, July 15, 2022

Bike and drive to Crater Lake 2022 Day 1&2

 A few years ago Calvin did a bike tour of southern Oregon, but the road into Crater Lake was closed by snow, so he decided to try again. Last time he started in Bend, Oregon but this time he started in Reno. He left from our house and rode about 60 miles to the Nakoma resort where I met him and we spent the night.

Nakoma is a 1923 Frank Lloyd Wright design that was never built.  The resort developers decided it would be perfect for their Lost Sierra Resort and the original design was used to build the clubhouse in 2001. In the morning while Calvin rode to Quincey, I enjoyed a walk around the resort.

I met him at noon in Quincy, CA and we began the "drive" part of the trip.  There isn't really a safe biking road between Quincy and Mt. Shasta.  On our way west we saw a lot of burned forests.

We were close to Lassen Volcanic National Park, so we took a drive through to see some of the sights. Parts of the park were closed beacuse of fire damage from the 2021 Dixie fire, but many areas were untouched.

We were still in spring season in the park so the mudpots at the Sulfur works were still bubbling.

We stopped at Summit Lake for a short hike around the Lake, which had a green side and a burned side.

A huge crop of tiny dragon flies was just hatching as we were there. The shores of the lake were just sparkling with their silver wings.

Calvin stopped to count the rings on a tree stump.  He counted about 250.

Our stop for the night was in the town of Mt. Shasta. We have been here before but I am still amazed at how huge volcano Mt. Shasta looks from the town. Pictures just don't give the same impression.

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