Friday, May 20, 2022

New Mexico Road Trip Days 1 and 2

Just for fun we decided to take a New Mexico Road trip.  We picked a few locations we thought we might like to explore, then flew to Albuquerque and rented a car. Over the course of our travels we drove 1,795 miles and walked 37 miles. Sadly there were no bicycle miles on this trip.

We arrived in Albuquerque in the early afternoon and and headed toward Alamogordo where we spent our first two nights.  On the way we stopped at the Trinity Nuclear test site. There is not much to see there, a sign and some wide open spaces.

Later in the trip, we saw this replica of the launch pad for the world's first atomic bomb.

 Our next quick stop was Valley of Fire BLM recreation area, which was most a lava flow.

Our final side trip was at the Three Rivers Petroglyph site.

The next morning we made 395 mile loop tour of southeastern New Mexico to visit Carlsbad Caverns. Which were amazing, but not really on the road to anywhere.

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