Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Copper Mountain 2022

 We spent a long weekend in Colorado with Butch's family at Copper Mountain.  It was a ski trip, but Emily and I missed the skiing, she because she had a badly sprained ankle and me becasue I am done skiing.  The result is a ski weekend blog with no pictures of skiing, but we still had some fun off the mountain.

Calvin waiting patiently for everyone to get ready

The kids are ready to go

Afternoon skiing for the boys

The great M&M challenge.  The world record for stacking M&Ms is 5. Most of us managed to stack two, but Zach is the clear winner with a 3 stack.

Emily braved the icy streets of Frisco in her orthopedic boot to join Lucy and I for a little ice cream and shopping

The last day Austin's boot made skiing painful, so he joined Emily, Lucy and I for a liitle time enjoying the sunshine at the resort and then another little snack at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory on the way back home.

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