Wednesday, August 11, 2021

China Camp

 We planned a week of kayaking down the coast.  We found a hotel in American Canyon that was central to several great kayaking spots. Our first stop Monday was China Camp State Park near San Rafael. We haven't been there before and it promised a fairly easy paddle for our first day. We had to wait for the tide to come in and cover the mud flats so we could launch. While we waited we wandered around the old shrimping camp, which was pretty interesting.

Finally we were able to get out on the water and paddled about four and a half miles around the bay.

We had a nice view of China Camp from the kayak

Unfortunately our view wasn't quite good enough to see the thief who broke the back passenger window of the car and stole Calvin's church clothes and all the clothes and gear in his biking bag.

The thieves were long gone by the time we returned, so we just decided to make an effort to get the car window replaced as fast as we could.  The best estimate we could get for replacing the window where we were was "possibly Thursday, but no promise." Realizing that we couldn't continue on our trip without being able to lock the car securely and we couldn't do that with a broken window, we gave up on our kayaking trip and headed home.

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