Sunday, August 29, 2021

A week with Alice

 Alice came back to Reno with us after her baptism to spend a week. It was such a delight to be able to spend more time with her.

We had time in the park, river rafting, hiking, and cooking 

She even made an arrowhead

And, of course she got to spend some time with the Reno cousins

When Rosie came to pick her up we managed to squeeze in one more river trip

Monday, August 23, 2021

Santa Barbara Beach Time

We also managed to enjoy some great family time on the beach while we were in Santa Barbara. We had a beach bonfire with fireworks Saturday night and a sunset stroll with the family Sunday night.



Thanks Rosie for organizing such a great weekend

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Pool time

 We all stayed at my favorite hotel and enjoyed a lot of unstructured pool time.  Our family seems to be particularly fond of baby tossing.

The older cousins have graduated to tossing themselves into the pool

The older girls had a little mermaid time

And a few actually spent some time swimming

Nick sorted his goldfish

And the parents had a chance to visit