Saturday, November 7, 2020

Nick's birthday and pumpkin carving

 This year we combined pumpkin carving and a celebration of Nick's 5th birthday. We started the evening with the birthday taco pinata while we still had a little daylight. The taco proved to be a tough target and we had to go several rounds and include a few adults before it finally gave up the treasure.

Once the candy was gathered from the pinata there wasn't a great deal of interest in a healthy meal of pizza, so we breezed right through that to pumpkin carving.

We had a bountiful harvest of pumpkins this year. Which were quickly turned into fantastic creations.  Clare and Garrett did their own carving this year. Nick, Sylvan and Ingrid required a little help.

And we finished off the evening with birthday cake.  We were happy to send the sugared up grandkids home with their parents.

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