Sunday, January 5, 2020

December happenings

We started December with a quick trip to Santa Barbara to spend a little time with the Wrights. I think it was the only rainy weekend they had in December! We got to visit, hot tub, take a walk and enjoy tree chopping Santa Barbara Style.

We came back to Reno and gathered the clan for Christmas cookie decorating.

Ingrid was focused on covering every inch of her gingerbread man with M&Ms and sprinkles
 Finishing up with Santa hat pictures
 The weekend before Christmas we joined the Peter Smiths for a ride on the Candy Cane express.

We shared Christmas Eve dinner with the Bordelons
 and then went sledding with them on Christmas Day

Then warmed up with a hot chocolate and brownie break 

Sledding was so fun we went again when the Wrights came to town. The Wrights tried out skiis and eveyone just had fun playing in the snow.

The Bordelons hosted a New Years Eve feast where we declared the New Year at 9 pm and ate the cake.

One last outing with the cousins to Jump Man Jump

Add in a little hot tub time, big kid skiing and lots of visiting, it was a pretty good month

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