Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A weekend with the grandkids

We got to spend a fun weekend with grandkids while Sarah and Toby were in LA for a not very inspiring New Orleans Saints football game.

We took advantage of the beautiful late summer weather to spend some time outdoors. Saturday we mixed yard work with soccer games and team photos.
Nick climbed the tree to help harvest the filberts

all three kids help plant the fall pansies

then in the late afternoon we drove to Lake Tahoe for a little beach time. They had to do a lot of posing for me.

After the beach we tried to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant, but sadly it is no longer, so we tried a BBQ joint instead.  These are Garrett's pictures from there. His focus needs a little work, but I love his vision.

Sunday after church we took a walk along the Truckee River. It was probably a little longer than the kids wanted walk, but they perked up when they got to wade in the river.

It is so fun to have grandkids in town! But takes a lot of energy to keep up with these three.

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