Sunday, April 7, 2019

In the Jungle

While we were in Mexico we spent a little time exploring the jungles and Mayan Ruins, none of which are that exciting to a 3 year old and a 1 year old, but Sylvan and Ingrid were good sports.

We visited the Tulum ruins.  Calvin and I had been there a couple of times, but like all popular attractions, the popularity diminishes the enjoyment for me.  We took the bus and hired a guide so we could skip the lines.  The bus was fun...

but Sylvan was most impressed with the lizards

and the coati was cool too.

 The ruins provide a great backdrop for pictures, but the kids were getting a little tired.

Peter and Rachel tried to reproduce a picture they had taken on their honeymoon, but there were a lot of people in the picture.

 Calvin and I managed a smile, we didn't have to haul around cranky toddlers.

 Another day we went to a different Mayan ruin site  ...Muyil.  Dating from about 300 BC it is the oldest settlement near the coast. It is in a park-like jungle setting with only a few tourists and required more attempts at a family picture.

 This is the castle, the tallest structure in the area

The walk in the jungle was the best part.

After our jungle adventure I talked everyone into a trip to Tulum beach, which is one of my very favorite beaches.  It was windy and crowded, but I still love it.

Sylvan was a brave ocean adventurer
 and thought being tumbled by the waves was great least for a little while.

This was lunch at a beach palapa near our house

and this is on a shuttle bus to a different terminal on our way home...just a couple of commuters.

What a fun adventure!

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