Monday, February 25, 2019

Presidents Day weekend in Reno

The Wrights braved a snow storm in the Sierras to spend Presidents day weekend with us in Reno.  They belong to that group of people who have to "go to the snow" because the snow never comes to them. I am a little weary of the snow coming to us this winter, but they spent a morning rolling around in the white stuff and having a great time.

Rosie and Alice made snow angels
 and I think Jay lost at snow angels
While the big people went skiing we had Grandma time making cookies

and enjoying a healthy snack of Lucky Charms

We had some cousin time in the hot tub

the second day there was more snow and Clare and Alice jumped out of the hot tub to make snow angels. Brave girls.

Their snow angels.  Look closely and you can see a bare footprint
Leah didn't get much snow play, but she was the object of many photos.  These are my favorites.

Sitting in the high chair that Rosie used
 And playing on the floor in the sunshine.

The Bordelons came over to enjoy cousins and Sarah got a little baby holding time.

Clare and Alice had a sleepover and Clare had her own bowl of Lucky Charms.

Jimmy found all of the "light up" balls in the toy drawer
And we enjoyed some lovely quiet time by the fire

 and a little silly time

I tried to take a family picture with a snow background, by it was another monumental fail.

 I guess we'll have to keep the beach picture up for a while longer.  It probably suits their family better.

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