Monday, January 21, 2019

A Saturday in January

Last Saturday Calvin and I enjoyed a day with grandkids.  We started out with a Sylvan and Ingrid and a trip to Virginia Lake to feed the ducks.The ducks are fine, but a flock of very aggressive pigeons terrified Sylvan.

We emptied our bag of peas and corn and abandoned the birds for the relative safety of the swing and play ground.

It was a little cold outside so we went to Chick-fil-A to enjoy the great indoor playground.  (Until Lucy introduced me to the delights of the playground I had never darkened the door of a Chick-fil-A) Sylvan and Ingrid split a kids meal enjoyed being together. You can't see in this picture, but Ingrid is sharing her treasured pacifier with Sylvan.

When we got home Clare and Nick came over for the afternoon while Garrett went skiing with his parents.  Calvin immediately took Clare off for a photo shoot. These two pictures are our favorites. The first is Calvin's favorite and the second is my favorite.

The question is, which one will go up on the wall?
While the photo shoot was in progress Nick and Sylvan helped me make some cookies. And Clare jumped in when she was done.

We did a little construction with blocks.  This is the house where Nick lives. He is still requesting pictures with his tongue out.

By this time the sun had come out and Peter had arrived so we decided to take an afternoon walk through the new subdivision behind our house. Big earth moving machines are everybody's favorite.

The kids also did a little jumping in the snow and mud and puddles.

Nick and Sylvan spent at least an hour throwing rocks into piles of snow and having sword fights with tumbleweeds. It is so fun to be able to share time with our wonderful, creative and fun grandkids.

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