Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Traditions: Cookies

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without cookies and this year I got to share some of the cookie baking traditions with our younger generations.

Baking springerles has been a Christmas tradition in my family in the United States for 150 years.  I don't know how long it was a tradition in Germany.  It made me think I need to do a better job of sharing that tradition, so I invited the local grandkids over for a little cookie making. I was helping, so I didn't get many pictures, but everyone got to try their hand.

Peter wore his great grandfather, Wesley Roehr's letter sweater from Spokane University as a nod to the Roehr/Pfeiffer springerle tradition.

The results were not bad, but my cookies never have the neat edges of my father's springerles.

My personal favorite Christmas cookie tradition is frosting gingerbread people for our Christmas tree.  We had some great ones this year.

Nick likes to stick out his tongue in pictures

Sometimes you need a little break from cookie frosting

I realized this year that I have been making Christmas bread for over 30 years. I got the recipe when we lived in Tucson and I just keep making it!

I love our traditions!

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