Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday in Santa Barbara

We spent a fun Saturday in Santa Barbara when we went to Leah's baby blessing.  We didn't arrive until mid morning, but the day was packed with fun things to do.  We started out with lunch at the batting cages.  Alice, Jimmy and Leah were too little to bat, but the rest of us had a good time.  Batting with bifocals is not as fun as batting used to be, but I did connect with a couple of balls. Photos did not turn out well, but here is Rosie getting ready for a home run.

After lunch we had a mid afternoon cool off at the pool.  Calvin and Leah napped through pool time.

After the pool we cleaned up a little and went to Alice's ballet recital.

We followed that up with pizza and a sunset walk on the Santa Barbara pier.

Saturdays don't get much better than that.

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