Thursday, June 28, 2018

More fun with grandkids

We are so blessed that we get to see our five grandkids in Reno fairly often.  Sometimes I even remember to take pictures on our outings.

One Saturday morning we met Peter's family at Idlewild park where we all road the little train and strolled around the duck pond.

 Calvin and Sylvan waiting for the train 

And on a particularly lovely Monday evening we took Ingrid for her first sail on Lake Tahoe.

We also had a fun Sunday evening on the beach at Sand Harbor with the Bordelons.

One evening we took the kids out to dinner while Sarah and Toby went to a movie. We love the climbing thing at McDonalds.
We brought the kids home fed and tired and Calvin took tons of pictures while we were watching cartoons. Here are a couple of favorites.

We also attended a few end of the year actvities
Clare's dance recital

and Garrett's preschool graduation

And ladies' lunch today to celebrate Clare's 7th birthday
Life is good when you are a grandparent

Monday, June 25, 2018

Fun with grandchildren

While Rosie, Jay and Leah were trying to recover a bit from the long first nights at home with a new baby, Calvin and I got to go on all kinds of fun outings with Alice and Jimmy.

Sometimes we just played at home and in the neighborhood.

The aquarium is a favorite adventure and they showed all of their favorite places. Jimmy is investigating sea floor brought up in a bucket.

Ready to take a dive in a shark cage

And we enjoyed a very cool visit to the Moxi children's museum.  If not for the need for nap time we could have stayed all day.

And I got one really cool picture of Alice while she was dancing around the rooftop play area. I wish I could say that I planned this picture, but it was just a lucky accident.

We spent a lot of time just hanging out at the hotel pool.  It was a little cool for the pool but the hot tub was perfect.

Calvin and I did manage to sneak away for a quiet walk on the beach one evening. Such a beautiful place to live.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Leah Emily Wright

Leah Emily Wright joined our family May 31, 2018. She is a healthy, beautiful baby welcomed by a loving family.

Here are some of my favorite pictures
Jay and Alice holding Leah day 1

Age 4 days hanging out at the pool
Picture day age 1 week
Holding hands with Alice

A little snuggle time with Jimmy and Alice too

The family of five