Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Family for the Holidays

We really enjoyed having so many families here in Reno for the holidays.  Rosie came for an extra week to get out of the smoke in Santa Barbara and to enjoy a little winter.  We didn't get a lot of snow in December, but there were still a few patches around to make it feel like winter.  The cousins all had a great time together and it was fun watching then interact. The camera didn't come out very often, but here are a few highlights in no particular order. 

We made a couple of trips to Virginia Lake to feed the birds.

The point of feeding the birds seems to be a way to gather a large number of feathered friends that you can then chase.

One Saturday afternoon we took a walk along the Truckee River. It is always an interesting walk, with lots of people to watch.

We decorated a few more cookies

I had some willing helpers while I made Christmas bread this year.

And of course the hot tub saw a little action.

While the parents went to sushi we took the grandkids out to a special lunch at A&W.

Life is fun when you are a grandparent.

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