Saturday, December 2, 2017

Random pictures from fall 2017

One of the great joys of having the Bordelons in town is getting to enjoy some of the little everyday events with their family that we have missed over the last few years like...
Clare's Jog-a-thon
I was really impressed with Clare's running.  She ran all of the laps and didn't take any walking breaks

Garrett's birthday
Calvin and I snatched Garrett from pre-school and took him to Dairy Queen for a birthday lunch

and then we all enjoyed cake and ice cream to celebrate the day

Nick's birthday- more cake and presents

and Clare being Clare

We also got to have a weekend sleep-over at our house while Sarah and Toby celebrated their 10th anniversary.
We had dinner at Calvin's favorite restaurant, A & W

We even had a few adventures on our own.  Calvin and I went on a driving trip to see the fall color in the eastern Sierra. We took a little walk and spotted this small tree growing out of a rock.

On a beautiful fall afternoon we took a stroll along the Truckee River

And finally Calvin got the lump removed from his wrist that popped up last fall on a kayaking trip.

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