Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Wrights visit Reno

We enjoyed a winter week with the Wright family, who got to come visit winter for a little while and then go back to sunny Santa Barbara.There was bike riding and skiing and other fun things that didn't get photographed, but we did manage to find the camera when Alice and Jimmy were around.  One sunny day we went to the ice rink for a little skating.

After lunch we headed over to Scheels to ride the Ferris Wheel. By that time Jimmy was asleep so Alice got both parents for the ride.

One afternoon we went to Virginia Lake to see the ducks and play at the playground.

On Sunday Calvin decided to have a photo shoot of Alice in her winter dress.  There were a lot of really cute pictures but this was Calvin's favorite.

One day we got artistic with window crayons. This is Princess Alice and Princess Grandma Calli drawn by Alice

And we had a little quiet time just enjoying the grandkids

As you can see from the pictures it wasn't really wintery at our house until the day they left, but we finally got a picture of the Wrights in winter.

Sometimes I wish I could just visit winter too!

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