Monday, December 5, 2016

Thanksgiving in Alexandria 2016

Calvin and I got to spend Thanksgiving with Sarah's family in Alexandria this year.  We arrived Monday afternoon and made it to the Bordelon's home in time for a little reading time with the grandkids.

After reading time their neighbor came over to babysit and we walked down to Kings Street to have dinner with Sarah and Toby. I adore our grandkids, but I love spending time with our kids. After all, I have loved them much longer than I've loved the grandkids.  

Tuesday Calvin was feeling a little under the weather so stayed at the hotel and I went to the National Archives and then had lunch with Sarah.  I hitched a ride home with Sarah in time to pick up Clare from school.

Wednesday we had a big sight seeing day.  First we went to the Great Falls of the Potomac National Park.  A spectacular location that just begged for photos to be taken.

Here is a look at the Great Falls hiding behind us

Clare and Garrett are sitting in a hole in the rock scoured out by the river.
The more adventuresome members of our crew hiked down to the river.

Then everyone posed again for more pictures.  Getting five people to look at the camera at the same time is a real challenge.

Getting Nick to smile when anyone but Sarah is holding him is also a challenge.

Toby packed a picnic snack with hot chocolate for all of us.

Once we were finished our snack we headed to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center of the National Air and Space Museum. This is where the really big aircraft are on display.

Including the space shuttle.

I'm not a big fan of air and space museums, but this was pretty impressive. Clare and Garrett doing a little "Flying."

Thursday morning we left Toby to the cooking and we went to the park. Clare made an impressive "run" across the rings. It was the first time she made it all the way across.
 And much to Calvin's delight there was even time for a little bike riding.

The Thanksgiving Feast

We have so much to be thankful for, but number one on my list is always our family.  They are our greatest joy. Thank you Bordelons for a great Thanksgiving.


  1. Looks like so much fun. Those reading pictures are real treasures.

  2. We loved having you visit! The picture of Dad holding Nick is a classic!
