Thursday, April 28, 2016

Boys are in town

A couple of weeks ago Butch brought Zach and Austin to Reno for a long weekend. Calvin was thrilled to have more grandsons in town to play with and Peter had his eye on a little labor for house project he had in mind. But first things first, a boy ski day.  Zach and Austin have become really great skiers this past season.  The skiing was so fun, the camera only came out once, so here is part of the ski crew.  Austin and I were hanging out in the lodge with Sylvan.

Sylvan had to hang out in the lodge, but he got plenty of cousin attention. It is great fun to be able to ski with grandkids!

While he had a readily available labor force Peter finished a house project.  He put lattice over the trellis over their back patio.  It was a beautiful day and while Peter, Calvin and Butch worked the rest of us enjoyed a beautiful spring day in the backyard.

The trampoline was a big hit.
Big brothers can give a big bounce.

While we were enjoying the day, work was being done.

At least by some

I think it turned out very well.

There were also projects in the workshop.  Zach and Austin made Harry Potter type wands so they could have a wizard duel.
And of course bikes were ridden.
A pretty fun weekend by any standard.

1 comment:

  1. Cousin pictures make me so happy. Can I come spend a week as a grandkid too? I want a wand.
