Friday, March 18, 2016

The road to Santa Barbara

Thirteen years ago when Rosie and I made our first trip to Santa Barbara we used a map to plot our route.  On the map this road looked like a good short cut, but after driving for a while I decided it looked like a good bike path not necessarily a good car road. I thought Calvin might like it.  A few years ago I talked him in to trying it out and he did like it.  Last weekend we had time on our trip to Santa Barbara for him to try it out again.
He was riding the Solvang Century on Saturday, so he decided a few more training miles would be a good idea.

When we arrived in Santa Barbara we met up with Rosie, Alice and Jimmy and spent some time at Goleta Beach or the airplane beach according to Alice.  We had time to play at the playground and stroll along the pier before we met up with Jay for dinner. I dragged my camera along to try and capture the afternoon. 
Alice is always in motion, so it is hard to get her in focus, but I love the way she rushes headlong into life.
Jimmy is handicapped by not being able to run yet, so he is easier to get a picture that is in focus. Or two or three.

By the time Alice had run to the end of the pier she was starting to slow down a little.

But she still had enough energy for a group hug picture.
A great way to spend an afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. The Wrights are taking over your blog. It's a good thing you've got some adorable and independently mobile grandsons coming your way soon!
