Friday, July 10, 2015

An Afternoon in Athens

Our last layover before arriving in Kefalonia was Athens.  We arrived late afternoon, checked into our airport hotel and then took the metro into the heart of the city. We didn't really do any advanced planning for Athens, but we had downloaded a couple of Rick Steves tours and with that much knowledge in hand we headed for the Acropolis. We arrived late afternoon on a cool day which made the hike up the hill comfortable and touring pleasant. As we arrived they were prepping this amphitheater for a concert later in the evening.

The Parthenon was having some serious renovation done, which is probably a constant process, but it was still an impressive building.
So we needed to take our picture in front of it more that once.
The ladies of the Erechtheion still look pretty good for being 2,500 years old.
And here we are enjoying the views. A quarter of the population of Greece lives in that sprawling city behind us.

While we were having a very good Greek dinner in the tourist section we caught sight of a rainbow over the Acropolis.

There is more to Athens than the Acropolis, but that will have to wait for another visit.

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