Thursday, June 25, 2015

New York City

On the way to our kayaking trip we managed to make quick visits to several very large cities.  We had about a 24 hour lay-over in New York and decided that the best way to see the city quickly was by taking the New York City Water Taxi tour.  Our first stop was the Statue of Liberty.

While we were taking photos of Lady Liberty, Fireboat 343 cruised past.  It is the largest single purpose fireboat built and has the largest pumping capacity of any fireboat ever built.

We got out at the World trade center stop and strolled to the new 9/11 Memorial, but even walking in NYC has complicated street signs.

We walked back to the Water taxi pick up along a delightful waterfront walk which did much to improve my opinion of the city.

And of course we took pictures of ourselves.

The last stop was the Brooklyn Bridge.  I have ancestors that lived right in the shadow of that bridge, in fact they lived all over Long Island and Manhattan. It was fun to actually see places that had just been names on the map.