Sunday, April 19, 2015

First Kayak outing 2015 Pyramid Lake

Saturday we ventured out in the kayak for the first time this year.  We managed to get it down from its winter storage in Calvin's workshop, blew off the sawdust and we were ready to go.  The weather forecast was for afternoon thunder storms at Lake Tahoe, so opted to go to Pyramid Lake.  We drove to the lake in a very strong headwind and thought that we might not be able to paddle, but the lake itself was calm and we had a beautiful day.  I realize that all kayaking pictures look more or less alike, and you could go back through the blog and see lots of these pictures, but I am posting them again anyway.

This is the classic Calvin picture taken with a camera pointing backwards on the top of my head. You will notice in this picture he has a new sunhat.  That is how you can tell the difference between all of the other Calvin kayak pictures and this one.

When we were getting ready to head in to a beach I kept seeing a line of white along the shore line, and I was afraid we would have breaking waves to negotiate as we landed.  We don't have a great track record landing in breaking waves.  As it turned out the line of white was a line of soapsuds and we landed without incident.  Calvin decided we needed a picture of my "breaking waves."
I say it never hurts to be prepared.

The beach looks kind of muddy, but aside from the tumble weeds it was a pretty nice beach, small pebbles and fine dark sand.  One very small upside of the drought is that there is plenty of beach this year.

After a winter in the shop, our kayak needed a good cleaning, so Calvin polished it up on the beach. You can see the Pyramid in the background.

One other feature of the lake is Anaho Island National Wildlife Refuge, which is a nesting ground for the American White Pelican.  You can't paddle up to the island, but the pelicans don't seem to mind hanging out with people on the lake shore.

And are happy to pose for pictures if you ask the nicely.


  1. Have you ever thought of doing a kayaking campout? Pyramid looks like a good place to do it.

  2. Those birds have some weird pterydactyl beaks.
