Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Year's Day 2015

I am officially two weeks behind already in 2015.  It is very "old geezerish" to say this, but days just seem to fly by faster than they used to.

On New Year's Day Calvin and I took a walk along the Truckee River.  It was a cold but beautiful sunny day and it was fun to take a familiar walk in the winter time.
The river had chunks of ice floating down the middle and more ice along the sides.  It was only in the 20's when we were out walking.

But we were bundled up and ready for the cold.

This is the Virginia Street bridge which is scheduled to be replaced shortly.

I didn't know that Reno had so many bike paths that they had to number them. This is a segment of the yet to be completed Tahoe-Pyramid bikeway.

As I was looking at my phone pictures I stumbled on a whole batch of Alice selfies.  Never underestimate the entertainment value of a phone camera that makes a clicking sound when you take a picture.

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