Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Love Locks

There is currently a fad in Europe to commemorate your love by placing a padlock on a bridge and then throwing away the key so the lock will remain forever.  We saw some really fancy engraved and painted locks attached at any available space that looked like a bridge, but in Venice we saw what eventually becomes of these symbols of enduring love.

A good lock cutter and a five gallon bucket and it is all over.

While we were travelling Calvin and I celebrated our 38th anniversary, not with a lock but with an adventure.
I could never have imagined when we started out our life together on that August day in 1976 that 38 years later we would celebrate the day flying from Budapest on an Air Serbia flight
 to spend several hours in the Belgrade Serbia (which wasn't even an independent state in 1976) airport.  It looks like a pretty place from the airport window.
And then flying on to Dubrovnik Croatia (which also was not an independent state in 1976) for a week of sea kayaking.
What a wonderful adventure our life together has been.  Happy anniversary Honey.

1 comment:

  1. I'd take adventure over romantic fru fru gestures any day too. Happy Anniversary!
