Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Jersey?

We spent last weekend in New Jersey.  Dan and Margot Higginson's wedding prompted the visit.  I can't say that I have ever really considered going to New Jersey just for a visit, but it seemed like a nice place.  The wedding was lovely and we got to see lots of extended Smith family and meet Margot's delightful family.  Once again I discovered that if a person wasn't in near proximity to either Garrett or Clare they didn't get much photo time. Fortunately Calvin at least got one shot of the bride and groom.

On Saturday morning we had an adventure to a park on the Hudson River.  It was quite lovely there and Calvin and I memorialized the visit to prove that we really had been to New Jersey.

The wedding was in a restored Victorian mansion with beautiful grounds. Clare was dressed up and feeling as beautiful as the bride.
But she also required a few breaks for boulder climbing with her Goolsby and Higginson cousins. Here are Clare and Soren at the top.
Since everyone was dressed up I made Sarah's family pose for a few photos.  You can actually see Garrett's face in this one.
But just in case I got a close up of his big blue eyes.
Sunday morning Margot's parents hosted an Easter egg hunt for all the little cousins.  I think there were just 6 "hunters" and 300 eggs to find.  Here Clare is just about to start the hunt, dancing with excitement.
All in all it was a very good weekend.

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