Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanksgiving in Sayulita

Once again Calvin enticed me away to Sayulita for Thanksgiving.  It is a sacrifice to give up cooking and eating turkey, but I'll do it for Calvin.  Peter and Roque didn't have Thanksgiving plans so we got them to come with us to keep us company. The weather was just perfect this year, not a drop of rain with warm days and cool nights. We challenged the surf with a variety of boards.

 In an amazing feat of photography, Peter caught a picture of the two and a half seconds that I was upright on the stand up paddleboard. I'm the black speck somewhere in the middle.

 Calvin, Peter and Roque went spear fishing.  Calvin was the only one not sea sick and shows off his catch.

 The next day, with a little help from an anti nausea patch we all enjoyed an all day tour on the Alley Cat, where we saw lots of whales.
And a free swimming eel.

 And Peter showed off his diving skills.

This was my favorite view, floating on the air mattress in the pool at the house.

 Or just hanging out.
We have a lot of pictures of Peter and Roque, but this is a favorite.  Newlyweds are fun.
On our last night we took a walk down the beach for a sunset shot and on our way back got to seek a hatch of turtles making their way to the sea.

And then had a lovely dinner on the beach.

And as a final nod to Thanksgiving, here are the ants enjoying a beetle feast.  It took them nearly a full day to finish off the beetle.  Very efficient workers.

1 comment:

  1. You all look sun-kissed and beautiful. Nice work on the paddle board Mom! That eel is creepy. The turtles are adorable. I love that town!
