Monday, October 28, 2013

Calvin's Birthday

We celebrated Calvin's birthday a little while ago. He had been in San Francisco for the ASA conference.  This is 5 days of anesthesia refresher courses.  It makes for long days, but I think he enjoys them.  I opted not to go with him this year, mostly because I have been gone so much recently.  I just wanted to stay home for a little while.  But I did meet up with him in Sonoma after the conference.  We didn't have a big agenda, we just relaxed for a couple of days.  On Wednesday we celebrated his birthday by going to the beach for the day. We planned on going to Bodega Bay, but along the road we saw a turn off to Dillon beach.  Calvin was sure that he had been to Dillon beach as a child, so we went there instead.  Once we got there he didn't remember it at all, but it was a great location.  The weather was perfect. We had a picnic lunch on the beach. The water was too cold for swimming, but it was great for a walk along the beach.

Happy Birthday Honey!