Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lake Tahoe 3/4 Family Reunion

Last week we had a partial family reunion.  Sarah and her family couldn't make it because Sarah is too near her due date to fly cross country.  We know that when we plan a family gathering that there is a good chance that not everyone will be able to come, but we are grateful for the times we can get together.  This year we gathered at Lake Tahoe, which is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful spots on earth.  The weather was sunny, the smoke stayed away and the family was fun.  What more can you ask of a reunion.

The house we rented had a boat dock that was perfect for jumping and there were a lot of jumps!
Single jumps
 Couple jumps

 Multi-generation jumps and group jumps

We also had boats...kayaks, paddleboards and a sailboat

And then the natural out growth of boats and jumping...boat attack!
Here Butch and Emily get a splash attack.

Then Roque, Peter and Butch launch an attack on Rosie and her paddle board.

But Rosie managed to leave the attackers in her wake.
to be continued....


  1. I like the photo themes, Mom. We had a great time - thank you!

  2. Good one, Mom. I like the Rosie attack sequence. That was sure a lot of fun and nice times together.

  3. It looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures - the next best thing to being there.
