Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kayaking in June

It must seem like all we ever do is go kayaking.  And that is mostly true on Fridays.  Other days of the week Calvin dutifully pedals his bike to work and I clean house and weed the garden.  Those are good things to do, but not very picture worthy.

The last couple of weeks I have been busy preserving our cherry crop.  We didn't have a bumper crop this year, but we did have enough to make several batches of cherry chutney, which is really the only way I like to eat cherries.  I thought about taking a picture of the cherries, but they look pretty much like the cherries I photographed last year, and the year before.  I picked the last cherries from the tree this morning and began harvesting our raspberries. 

Still, no pictures of the cherries or raspberries, so I'll post a few from our last couple of kayak trips.

On June 14 we had a lazy day kayak.  We didn't arrive at the lake until late afternoon.  The water was a little choppy, but we braved it any way and idled a few hours away on the beach.

 This is the north end of our favorite beach.  The boulders discourage beach walking company from the north.

Here is Calvin looking relaxed on the beach

Here are pictures I took of the beach because I forgot to bring a book.

As the sun set we tried to get a picture of a sail boat sailing across the setting sun with not great results. Look carefully to see the boat.

This week we met Cindy and Bill at Commons Beach in Tahoe city for a paddle.  We've had record breaking heat, so it felt good to get on the water. Especially water this clear.  Tahoe doesn't have very interesting wildlife but the water is spectacular.

Cindy and Bill showing off years of experience paddling the same canoe.

Calvin shows off years of experience paddling our kayak while I play with the camera.

You just can never get enough kayak pictures.