Saturday, June 1, 2013

Back in Santa Barbara

I think there will be several trips to Santa Barbara this year. But our latest trip was spurred by having both Sarah and Rosie on the same coast for a weekend.  We don't get to see either of them as often as we want, so we couldn't miss this opportunity.  We took our new Altima, which gets great gas mileage and is fortunately big enough to carry Calvin's bike. The first trip Rosie and I made to Santa Barbara ten years ago we wandered around on little side roads looking for the most direct route.  This little road that cuts off toward Santa Margarita is the most direct, but clearly not the fastest.  I thought at the time it would be a good bike road and Calvin has decided the same. 
Sarah and Toby were in town for a wedding, so on Saturday we got to play with Clare all day.  She was just a delight, swimming, making friends with everyone she met, going out to eat, even taking a nap all without a tear.

We visited the Santa Barbara mission to view the chalk drawing festival.  It was amazing to see the works in progress.
But the mission is also just a fun place to sit and relax.
This is Clare's favorite place to be, tucked right up on Sarah's shoulder.

Sunday afternoon we just hung out at Rosie and Jay's home. 
We also got to try out hand at archery.  My arrow hist the target (not the bulls eye) once but Rosie won the 2 arrow competition.

And we finished the day with pictures in front of their barn. Notice the favorite T-shirts.  Have we seen the A-Team before?