Sunday, February 17, 2013

Maui 2013 Beach and pool time

We just got back from a two week vacation in Maui.  We had a wonderful time and yet it is really great to be home again.  Butch and his family were there for the first 10 days and that made it twice as fun.  Zach and Austin have non-stop enthusiasm for life and Butch and Emily encourage and nurture them with non-stop love. What a treat to get to spend time with them.

We all spent a lot of time digging giant holes and creating complex sand castles on the beach.  Zach's specialty is creation and Austin's specialty is destruction.

Beach time was usually followed with pool time to wash away some of the sand.

Even the big kids saw a little water slide action.
 This is Austin's signature move going down the slide backwards.  Both boys are pretty fearless in the water.
We stayed to watch the sunset one evening and they were still going strong.

Hawaii is really a kid's paradise.


  1. Looks like it was a very comfortable and convenient time for those little rascal boys.
