Thursday, October 25, 2012

Alexandria October 2012

We had a fun week last week visiting kids and grandkids.  We started in Washington DC where Calvin attended the annual Anesthesia Conference.  While Calvin was slaving away at the conference I got to visit with Sarah, Toby and Clare in Alexandria, although you might think from the pictures that I only visited Clare.

The weather was beautiful and Sarah took some time to do a little gardening.  Their yard really looks good.

I watched Sarah work and took pictures of Clare showing off her walking skills. (Hope this works.)

We took a walk to Kings Street one afternoon.  Clare and Sarah had matching shades.

We tried to walk past the playground without stopping, but Clare would have none of that, so we stopped for a swing break.

I apparently have the attention span of a two year old and stopped to take a picture of some cook bricks.

Clare is a "girly" girl.  She has a gold necklace in her toy box that she puts on first thing before she begins to play each day.

Somebody likes to play dress up.  Could be Clare, but possibly it is Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the video contribution Mom! And well done Sarah and Toby for having an adorable daughter.
