Friday, March 17, 2023

Lucy's Baptism

Most of the family was gathered in Colorado last weekend for Lucy's Baptism.  I love it when we can all get together and I love the way the cousins all interact so well with each other. We started the day with Zach's high school swim meet and between races some serious play time.

 After the meet we had a picnic in the park and more play time

We all gathered again in the afternoon for Lucy's baptism, which was really lovely.

(And required a lot of pictures)

Lucy asked Zach to baptize her and he did a really great job.

After the baptism we all returned to Butch and Emily's house for a great dinner and a double birthday celebration for Lucy and her grandmother Barb Roper.

We finished the weekend with some serious contruction projects, cousin time and good conversations.  What a great family we have.