Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Christmas Eve 2022

 We enjoyed Christmas Eve this year with a house full of family. Best Christmas present ever. We shared a potluck buffet.

The grandkids produced and acted Christmas story with Peter the only adult selected playing the role of the donkey and Sarah narrating

Had a flurry of present opening and a little wrestling with granddad

And the grandkids all ready bed

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Grass Valley

 We took a break from winter for a couple of days the week before Christmas and drove over the hill to Grass Valley. It was only a few degrees warmer in Grass Valley, but it was a nice break. We arrived in the afternoon, found our place and then went to dinner in Nevada City and wandered around a bit there. The next morning we headed out for a walk along the Hard Rock trail in the Empire Mine State Park.

We followed that with a drive to the Malkoff Diggings

We stopped at a bridge across the Yuba River just as the sun was setting

This is a view if the new bridge from the old bridge

And this is a view of the old bridge from the new bridge

We had a quick dinner and then went to the historic Del Oro movie theater to see the new Avatar movie.  We managed to watch the whole thing in 3D with out getting motion sick, but I can't say that I loved the movie.

The next morning we took a walk on the Wolf Creek trail that wanders through the town of Grass Valley. 

Christmas Cookies 2022

Decorating gingerbread cookies was a tradition I enjoyed as a child and I love having our grandchildren come over and carry on the tradition.  This year not much adult supervision was required with the result that a lot of frosting was eaten and not as many cookies were decorated,

After the cookies were decorated the kids surprised us with a play they created

The evening finished with a little reading time with Granddad