Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Cal's Crew 22 A few more

 I didn't take many pictures at this year's reunion, but here are a few more

family competitions

family dinners

Zach won the M&M stacking championship again

Calvin cheated by smashing his M&M

Playing in the sand

Tons of fun on the floating island

And plenty of time for me to sit on the beach and enjoy the family

Cals Crew Floating the Truckee River

 One of our renion favorites is taking a float trip down the upper Truckee. It was especially fun this year because the water was low  and the kids are all safe enough in the water that they could change from raft to raft and between the tubes and the rafts. 

The raft crew

The tubing crew

Zach being attacked by pirates Nick and James. Zach was so patient with the younger cousins. What a great example he is.

Nick and James returning to the raft after their pirate attack

Sylvan kept our boat safe from pirates by announcing to all the rafts we passed on the river that we were just simple fishermen, not pirates

Somehow this boat of honeymooners managed to be kids free

We stopped for a lunch break and a little crawdad fishing

Sarah and Toby looking relaxed just before they both got bounced from the raft on the final rapid.