Saturday, April 9, 2022

Big Island by sea

 Butch's family loves the water, and every day found time to swim, snorkel or bob in the waves.

Here are some of the snorkel pictures

 Sometimes Lucy got a little ride with Butch

One of the best snorkel spots was an abandoned pier that had an easy entrance and crystal clear water

We also rented kayaks one day and paddled to the Captain Cook monument

And we spent two days at Hapuna Beach where the waves were just right for bobbing, which is why Zack is sitting under an umbrella the second day.

And turtles were finally spotted

No trip to Hawaii is complete without at least one stop for shave ice

Friday, April 1, 2022

Big Island by land


We had a great time visiting the Big Island with Butch's family. They are always ready for adventure so we spent our days exploring by land and sea.

Our first land visit was to the Pu'ukohola Heiau where King Kamehameha united the islanders.  It was the last heiau built and it is huge. But I didn't actually take a picture of the heiau.

Next we went to Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, or place of refuge
It had a REALLY big wall separating the Royal palace grounds from the area of refuge.

These are called ki'i

And one day we drove across the saddle of the island to visit the Kilauea crater.
The red lava was just barely visible at the bottom of the crater

One the way back to the Kona side of the island we stopped to see Rainbow Falls and then noticed some caves that needed exploring as we were meandering our way to the hiway.
Kaumana Caves

And, as if we didn't have enough pictures we had a family sunset photo session.