Thursday, December 22, 2022

Thanksgiving weekend 2022

We enjoyed Thanksgiving at home this year. It is not my favorite holiday, but with a potluck menu and lots family and friends it was a good day.

We followed the next day with all the Reno families joining together to chop a Christmas tree.  As usual, Calvin made the first cut.

This was the Wright's first year chopping their own tree and they all pitched in.

We followed tree chopping with some sledding time

What a great crew we have!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pumpkin carving

 Calvin grows pumpkins in our garden and in the fall we invite the grandkids over for an evening of pizza and pumpkin carving.

Jog a thon season in Reno

 One of the great things about having three of our children living in Reno is getting to see some of the smaller life events.  This year I got to see the Caughlin Ranch, Brown and Elizabeth Lenz elementary school jog a thons.

Caughlin Ranch was first. They had a strict policy of no visitors on the school grounds unless they are a registered volunteer.  So I registered to volunteer to cheer the runners.

Brown was next.  They run a much smaller course, but do dozens of laps.  Running is more fun with a friend.

Finally Elizabeth Lenz with a bigger track and open running policy, so both Jay and Leah ran a few laps.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

End of the ride and Brian Head

 Calvin rode his bike on Highway 50 across Nevada with OATBRAN for the sixth time.

I met him at the end of the ride and we headed east.  We had planned to go to Cedar City Friday night and catch a play, but the plays and hotels in Cedar City were sold out, so we decided to spend the night at Brian head ski resort.  On the way we got caught in a rather impressive hail storm.

We spent Saturday adventuring around Brian Head.  Our first stop was Brian Head Peak with spectaucular 360 degree views.


 We followed that with a drive along a gravel road to see the twisted forest. The twisted forest wasn't much, but the drive through the fall colors was worth it.

We left Brian Head and drove to Cedar Breaks.

We finished the day walking the Bristle Cone Pine Trail to the biggest bristlecone I have ever seen.