Sunday, October 24, 2021

Hope Valley Wildlife area

We found a sunny day to go into the eastern Sierras and do a little leaf peeping. It was really a little past prime color but it was still a delightful morning stroll.  We went to Hope Valley Wildlife Area North Unit.

From the parking lot we took a paved trail which was probably at one time highway 89. It is highlighted in yellow.

The trail from the parking lot crosses the west fork of the Carson River,and then across the valley and up through aspens and finally a pine forest.  It probably ties in to the current 89 at some point, but the trail was snowed over and we didn't get to the top.

My great great grandmother, Lucy Nutting Ferguson, camped in Hope Valley August 25, 1848 on her way from the California gold fields to Salt Lake City. I love it when I get the chance to walk in her footsteps.

The valley was also along the Pony Express Route

We noticed a curious thing when we started looking at the carvings in the aspen trees. "J + B" had carved their initials in the trees almost every year between 1991 and in 2012, but the later years had been "crossed out."  There is a story waiting to be told here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Makena Beach

 We had lots of pool and beach time, but wasn't until our last afternoon when we went to Makena State Park for a little beach time and to watch the sunset that I remembeed to take a few pictures.

Monday, October 18, 2021


 We made the trip to the top of Haleakela on a clear day and the views were amazing, but mostly we took pictures of ourselves. It was a little chilly at 10,000 feet.

On the way down from the summit we stopped for a snack and nature walk in Hosmer Grove.

Maui October 2021

 We managed to jump through all the COVID hoops and spent a lovely week in Maui with the Bordelons. We did a few tourist things and spent a lot of quality time hanging out at the beach and pool.

We visited the Maui Ocean Center which is always fascinating

We took a tour on a dolphin discovery boat

We enjoyed a little shave ice

And admired the view from our lanai

Calvin even got up early one morning and bought the famous cinnamon rolls for us for breakfast.