Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Winter 2021

We have enjoyed a fairly sunny, fairly warm winter this year. We had two big dumps of snow just one day apart. We got about 8 inches in the first snow,

and then another 8 inches the next day. Our garden boxes were completely buried by the second day. And that was about it for snow this winter.

A raccoon left a trail across our front porch on his nocturnal travels.

Sylvan and Ingrid came to our house to play in the snow, because they didn't get snow at their house.  We still had plenty of snow, but it was so crusty that instead of making a snow angel, Sylvan made a snow shadow.

 We did get a small snow storm when the Wrights were here so they could play in the snow on the deck without having to worry about wearing shoes.

And we tried making a little "snow ice cream" with cherry syrup. It seemed to be a hit.

The hot tub got a little action once the snow melted

We also got to celebrate Ingrid's 3rd birthday with her cousins.

Dinner and a unicorn cake were great, but the highlight was the "blacklight" dance party.