Friday, February 5, 2021

Covid Winter

 Our range continues to shrink as we wait for our turn for the vaccine. Usually by this point in winter we would have taken at least one trip to find some warm weather.  Instead we have stayed pretty close to home.  Fortunately there are still things to entertain us here in Reno.

We spent a couple of nights looking at the "great conjunction" in Reno. The first night we drove part of the way up Geiger grade to get a clear shot across the valley.  We saw a beautidul sunset, and then discovered as the lights came on in the city that the sky didn't appear any darker from this vantage point.

But we could clearly see both planets. Sadly a cell phone is not the best camera for star gazing. But it does give kind of a cool impressionist look.

We went out again on December 21, this time we drove up just behind Sarah's subdivision and had great  views, but still not a great camera.

We had a lovely Christmas Eve with the Bordelons before they flew off to Florida.

And once again enjoyed the Nativity flannel board that we have had since 1980

Christmas day we took a walk around Virginia Lake where Calvin tried out his new toy.

We ended 2020 in a celebration with Peter's family.  We had a great dinner followed by dancing and fireworks when the clock struck midnight (on the east coast)