Thursday, September 24, 2020

The last of the reunion pictures

 It is probably time to finish the reunion pictures.  This year we reinstated the tradition of the "kids dinner out" which means we babysit the grandkids while their parents enjoy a little sibling time.  We weren't brave enough the last couple of reunions to watch all  11 kids when we had so many babies and toddlers, but this year with a lot of help from the older cousins we tried it again.  We decided to take a walk along the shoreline.  We ended up walking about 2 miles and the kids were pretty tired by the time we got back.  Pretty quickly our little group started stretching out along the trail.  I was busy counting little heads and when I came up with just 10, I realized that I wasn't counting grandson Zach, almost 13, on the adult side of the count.  He was a big help.

The girls dressed up in matching dresses for the walk

I'm not exactly sure what they were doing in the bushes

After the walk, most of then were content to watch a little TV until their parents came home. The three little boys were on the beach with Calvin

We have a few cousins with mini me's

Austin and Jmaes

Zach and Sylvan

Two special friends

And a couple of photos just for fun

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Beach and pool time

One of the best parts of our family reunion was being able to just walk to the beach and pool.  There was just a lot of fun cousin time.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Rafting the Truckee River

 Rafting the Truckee River has become a bit of a tradition at our family reunions, but this year is the first year that everyone in the family was old enough to raft.

Another tradition is stopping to jump off a pipe that runs across the river. I'm not sure who thought this was a good idea, but it is a favorite.

On two wheels at the reunion

 Calvin has shared his love of biking with the family, so every car arrived loaded with bikes. One of the biking highlights was a trip to the bike park in Truckee. Some of the photos were taken by Alice, who prefers photography over biking

 And sometimes the big boys got to get in a little serious riding.