Friday, August 28, 2020

Smith Family Reunion in the time of Covid


Our family reunion was a little different this year. We gathered five families from 3 different states and managed to survive a week of fun without anyone getting covid! We had an idea location on Lake Tahoe that allowed us to enjoy all kinds of activies and still keep a pretty good social distance.

We did a little sailing

and a little jet skiing

and a little kayaking

but the most creative float was Austin and Clare being propelled by a kite on the SUP. It was great going with the wind, but a little more challenging coming back to shore.

Monday, August 10, 2020

A few more pictures from Eureka

 I have just a few more pictures from our trip to Eureka.  We had fun walking around the old  town and touring Woodley Island. There are a lot of Victorian homes, but the Carson Mansion is the largest and very well preserved, but it is a private club now and we couldn't go inside

This cool fisherman statue is on Woodley Island, but you can see it easily from Old Town.  We saw and tried to wlk to it, but discovered it was actually on an island in the bay.

After our kayak on the Elk River slough we had time in the afternoon, so we decided to visit Trinidad State Beach and it was a great beach. One side of Trinidad Head is a sheltered bay that would have been fun to kayak if we had time and the other side was a beautiful beach.

I loved the flowers growing out of this rock

It was prime viewing time for Neowise comet, so we drove up the hill a little way to get above the fog.  The sunset alone was worth the drive, but we did get a great view of the comet with binoculars.

Fog filling in the bay


Moonset, look on the low horizon for the sliver of a moon