Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Grizzly Island and Suisun Slough

Last week we went looking for some warmer weather and found it near Fairfield, California. Looking for something to do in the warm weather we discovered that you can kayak in the Suisun Slough, so we loaded up the kayak and ventured off.

The slough runs into the Grizzly Island Wildlife area, so we started there.  It turned out that they don't allow boat launching in the wildlife area and it was too windy to paddle happily anyway, so we took a walk from parking lot 3 instead.

We took a delightful walk along a slough.

Calvin spotted a swimming raccoon.  I can't verify that it was a raccoon, but it definitely was swimming.

We also saw a heard of tule elk, but they were too far into the protected area to get a good photo.

After our walk Calvin decided if he couldn't paddle he would pedal.This is one of his favorite places to ride.

There was a full moon in the evening and I tried once again to take a picture. There is the moon, a streetlight and another odd light, perhaps a UFO

The next day the wind calmed a little and we had a nice two hour paddle on the slough.  I brought our water camera and took pictures for about an hour before I realized it was on some strange setting... so more unusual pictures.

and then a few on a normal setting.

There wasn't a lot to see along the slough, but it was a great way to spend a winter day.

Monday, February 17, 2020

A Superior weekend in February 2020

We got to spend a long weekend with Butch's family a few weeks ago.  We haven't seen them since last August and everyone has suddenly grown up! Fortunately they are all still the same happy fun people they have always been.

We arrived Friday afternoon and Lucy braved the wind to show her skill on a pedal bike. 

 Saturday the boys went skiing while the girls went to the park and had lunch at Chick-fil-A, Lucy's favorite lunch spot.

Sadly not a single photo was taken of the ski outing but it sounded like they had fun.

Sunday after church we had lunch out on their deck enjoying the warm sunshine.

Then we all went for a walk along South Boulder Creek.

It was Groundhog's Day and although the Groundhog may have seen his shadow the prairire dogs along the trail didn't seem concerned about shadows or people for that matter.

When we arrived at the creek the ice at the edges seemed just right for demolition.

 A few posed pictures were taken

 And we headed home for home made pizza and the Superbowl

The next day winter came back and it snowed all day. Fortunately the Denver airport is used to snow, so we made it home right on time.