Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Baja Sur

We decided to try a new location for our Mexico vacation this year and chose Cabo San Lucas because it has easy air connections from Reno. 
 We rented a lovely home that wasn't really within walking distance of anywhere, so we didn't enjoy evening strolls to dinner. This is the view from the bedroom window

Our first outing was to Todos Santos about an hour up the Pacific side of Baja. This is becoming something of an artist colony and it was fun to wander around the town. We peaked in at the Iglesia Mission Todoa Santos  

Wandered in to the Hotel Califonia, which was NOT the inspiration for the Eagles song but enjoys the fame.

It had an interesting lobby

We had lunch in a lovely garden restaurant.

I ordered a Shrimp Caesar which had an interesting presentaion, but was quite tasty.

On the way back we spent a little time at Cerritos beach which was large, not crowded and quite lovely.

Another day we visited the sister city of San Jose del Cabo. There was some kind of traffic blockade to the main road, but we managed to wander around on a few dirt roads with Google maps assistance and ended up right where we wanted to be on the town square.

The weather was a little rainy during the week so we planned a tour on our last day, which was a nice sunny day.  We thought we were taking a kayak/snorkel cruise, but it turned out it was just a typical "booze cruise." Partying seems to be the major draw here. 
We sailed past the famous arch and documented it well. Then motored to a mediocre snorkel spot and motored back

 It was an interesting place to visit once, but I don't see a return trip in our future.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Halloween 2019 Reno

I love having grandkids around to share the holdiays.  We had a couple of gatherings for Halloween this year.  The ward Trunk or Treat was October 24th.  We combined two wards this year and it was a pretty big event.  In the excitement only a few pictures were taken and I never managed to get Peter's family all in the same place at the same time.

A couple of days later we had a pumkin carving party at our house with our home grown pumkins.
