Friday, November 17, 2017

An October evening at Lake Tahoe

Sometimes in the fall in Reno you will get a beautiful summer day. October 7 was just such a day and Sarah invited us all to enjoy one last beach day at Lake Tahoe.

The air temperature was delightful, but the lake was pretty cold. That didn't stop Clare

or any of the boys...
Peter even caught a few waves

 and one or two waves caught him.

Clare decided she needed to warm up a little
 And Nick and Sylvan decided it was easier to surf on sand

Clare decided to climb the lifeguard stand and she soon had a gaggle of boys following her
And of course we took a few sunset shots

Life is good!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Maui again

A few more random pictures from our Maui trip with Peter Rachel and Sylvan.

The sun sets everyday, but it seems to be a bit of a ritual to watch the sun set in Hawaii.  So here we are enjoying a beautiful Maui sunset 

Watch out Peter

A little matching aloha wear

Some really great beach time

A little pool time
 And then it was time to go home.