Friday, July 29, 2016

Smith-Gabbart Tahoe Reunion

We went to Hawaii with our family friends the Gabbarts in 1997.

We were a good looking group then, but look at us 19 years later.

We had overlapping family reunions at Lake Tahoe last week.
Our combined families had 8 new babies in the past year.
Add them to the 11 older siblings and we have a pretty big group: 19 kids and 18 adults. The kids out numbered us, but just barely.

(If you counted you will notice that there are twelve kids in the pictures of the 11 siblings.  Lucy got in both pictures because she is the oldest of the 8 babies and can walk)

Their parents are a pretty terrific group of people and we love every one of them.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

An evening at Tahoe

Rosie and Jay and kids stopped by on their way to a roommate reunion and we got to spend a fun day with them on Saturday.  The weather cooperated and we spent the evening with them and the Gabbarts at Sand Harbor.  
Visiting Lake Tahoe was always a fun thing for our families to do, and now another generation of Smith/Gabbarts, the Wrights and Mulliners are sharing the fun with their kids.

Rosie and Kelly were about the age of their daughters when they first met.  They grew up to be two beautiful women. 
Now they are sharing the fun with their kids.  Jimmy and Vivian get acquainted.
Jimmy gets a taste of Tahoe sand.

Alice looking good in a retro suit

And one more of these wonderful mothers.