Sunday, February 21, 2016

Wright family visits winter

Last week we had a visit from Rosie, Jay, Alice and Jimmy.  They planned a winter/ski trip and Reno came through with a variety of lovely winter weather.  As all good visits must, we began with a Smith/Gabbart dinner and jam session. Peter is ghosting in on this number.

Jimmy was enjoying the music

On a sunny day we went to Virginia Lake to commune with the ducks.  I was practicing a technique I learned for using the smart phone, but neglected to heed the first rule of smart phone photography, make sure the lens is clean, so we got soft focus that day.

We went to Mt. Rose on a fair weather day.  Alice has ultimate ski bunny cool and likes to eat the snow where ever she finds it.  Even on the floor of the lodge.
She had fun taking short rides down the slope with Jay and Rosie, but they had to do a lot of hiking to give her a good ride.

One morning we brought out the paints.  Alice knows all about painting from her Grandma Anne.

The hats were Rosie's addition to the creative process.

Finally toward the end of the week winter came to our house. Alice and Jay built a snowman first thing in the morning.  Alice mostly gave directions, but here is proof that she helped roll the snowball.
Of course, eating snow was a little more fun.

They created a beautiful snowman and endured pictures just as another pulse of snow passed through.

So we tried it again when the sun came out. Alice was actually delighted when she woke up from her nap to discover that the snowman had melted, just like the song says.

The snow was not destined to last very long, so I watched Jimmy while Rosie and Jay took Rosie sledding. It seemed like a good opportunity to try some baby photography.  I concluded that it is not as easy as it looks, but this is a sweet picture.

Thursday while Calvin dragged Jay to Comp-u-spin Rosie and I went to Scheels to give Alice a ride on the Ferris Wheel. She liked it, but the escalators were just as fun for her.

Still the Ferris Wheel makes a better picture.